Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Here We Go... Again

So, here we are at a crossroads once again, that being the end of one and the beginning of another year. I truly pray it was a blessed and safe journey. However, it is not time for us to sit back and rest... at least not for too long. 
I know... I know... "but it’s cold outside"... "it’s football playoff time"... "I have soooo much credit card debit from the holidays falling on me". All are real and widespread reasons to go on hiatus from mission work. However, our work is not finished or are we even called on to slow down. So, let us tighten our belts and give fervent, effectual prayers to our God for strength and guidance this year. 
Quick updates: Pray for our missionaries (of which there are four) in the Philippines and one in Papua New Guinea. End of year 2017 Typhon "Tenbin" assaulted the Philippines Dec. 22nd and took at least 240 lives. As well, Bibles International (BI; Jim and Jenna Wright), which is now in 16 different countries and 43 people groups. The Wright's are still in the US as of this writing. Bibles International has made progress in 2017 with 6 translations reaching 1st editing as well as 1 audio scripture, 5 scripture portions and 2 literacy printings. Slow going but steady going. Now, focusing on the other side of the world; this time Bangladesh and our friend John Sircar. John writes about a pressing need for funds to build a conference center (aka shelter). Due to the bad weather it is almost impossible to preach sometimes. The Khami Tribe would be the recipients of this shelter. Can you help? 
Moving on to the Dark Continent of Africa now... remember the Elmer's in South Africa and their on going Bible studies. They report only children attend but there is hope that it will blossom into a full community outreach. 

Ever hear someone say, " So little time but so much to do?" That will always be on us but we serve a Risen, all-powerful God who sustains. Let us not get so tired or distracted that we forget why we really are here. To worship and honor our God and Savior! To God be the Glory! 

- Bob I. // Missions Director

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