Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Friday, April 8, 2011

Got Wheels?

Have you got a car to sell or loan to visiting missionaries? Cletis and Tammy Titus will be in town soon, and they need a car to borrow or buy! If you know of a dependable car or want to loan your car, please contact us by leaving a message on our site. Thank you for considering how you can help further the Gospel!

The Morlan's Newsletter from Oxford

Make sure you check out the Morlan's Newletter. You'll want to see how little Micah is growing.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sweet Pea, Sam, and School....

Here's what Pastor Titus and Tammy had to say about "Sweet Pea, Sam and School"...

It has been a great month for ministry here in Jamaica. We began with the need for a stroller for a little girl with cerebral palsy. Her mom has been carrying her to church at Bay Life each Sunday. A stroller would help, but God had other ideas. None of the strollers were big enough for this little girl, believe me we looked everywhere. Then we checked with a contact we met on the plane flying back last time. She is a member of the Rotary Club and through a conversation about her Hindu faith and Tammy sharing Christ, she mentioned that the Rotaries were trying to locate children who needed wheelchairs. Only God could put us on the same plane next to this wonderful lady- at exactly the same time that He brought Sweet Pea and her Mom to our church. To top all of these blessings, Sweet Pea’s mother received Christ just two weeks ago.

Sam received Christ as Savior on our second service in October at Bay Life. He has a hunger for the Word and has faithfully finished our eight week discipleship course for new believers. In the course of our study, it was mentioned that he needed to read his Bible every day. One problem arose, the print on the Bible’s that we give at church is too small. A group of High School Seniors from Fayetteville St. Baptist School in Asheboro jumped at the opportunity to bring a large print Bible for Sam. You should have seen the smile on his face as he shouted ‘Thank You Jesus’ when they gave him the new Bible.

School is always hard for the poor to complete since there are so many fees involved with education here in Jamaica. A young man called us at the beginning of this month asking if we could help him go back to finish his high school diploma. This represents a big step on his part and a desire to move out of the conditions that trap so many young men in gang violence and drugs. Thanks to the love and generosity of Gospel Baptist in Greensboro, this young man now has a hope and a future. Continue to pray for us on the ground as we identify the need, match up churches and individuals that can meet the need, and foremost share Christ who alone can meet their greatest need.

NOTE from GBC Missions: Kevon was a young man we met this year in Canterbury. Our church rallied together to raise the money for him to attend "university" (private high school). While we know that education alone can not save anyone, we are thrilled with his attempt to escape many of the snares of the fowler through this step in the right direction. It has also strengthed the bond between GBC and Kevons (and his family) as well as the relationship with Kevon and our missionaries (Cletis and Tammy). Please pray that Kevon will realize his need to salvation through Christ alone!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Fields

David and Elwanda Fields, missionaries to Kenya, are special to GBC for several reasons. Not only are they missionaries with a fervent love for the Lord, but Elwanda’s younger sister is our very own Lou Walker (pictured below together).

David and Elwanda began their ministry in the early 1950’s. They started in Northern Rhodesia, where they worked at a medical mission (they lived in a mud hut, used an outhouse and had to boil all their water and milk). As if those conditions were not challenging enough, they soon moved to Kaindu (a very remote area with little to no conveniences of any kind) where they started a church. Later, they followed the Lord to the Island of Mauritius where they lead many youth to the Lord despite the Islamic oppression in the area. Some of those young people even went to Bible college and return to minister to their own people. What a legacy! David and Elwanda also served in Togo where the heat was unbearable and witchcraft and devil worship were normal. In the 1980’s, they finally landed in Kenya and continue to serve the Lord there, along with some of their grown children and grandchildren.

Talk about adventure! The Fields have not lacked any adventures. They have walked beside Ostriches, had pet monkeys (who loved to steal and play tricks), faced spitting Cobras & elephants in the road, rescued pet kittens from the “outhouse” (a hole in the back yard), learned knitting with sticks and rubber bands, and taught Bible lessons in languages they were only just learning. They lived through run-away bike rides (with some broken bones, of course), helped deliver babies, and saw red ants devour whole animals. Traveling by plane and hunting wounded leopards were daily occurrences. The Fields have seen the Lord build up churches where only devil worship existed, lead Bible studies in government schools, and baptized new believers in the ocean. When questioned by fear, the Fields respond, that “the place of safety is in the center of God’s will”.

The Fields have cared for beaten widows (and lead them to Christ). Loved rowdy Sunday School boys (some who later believed on Christ and one brought his mother to salvation as well). They prayed for the boys who threw rocks at their house (some came back later to apologize and receive discipleship). They traveled by bike to take God’s Word to the people at the nearest well (the only source of water and a good location to encounter people). They continually loved the unlovable, the hurting and the wicked.

Presently, the Fields continue to serve in Kenya. They help in the medical work, teach at the Bible school and disciple leaders at the church and preschool. Please pray for strength for these mighty warriors. Their bodies are tired (Elwanda was just released from the hospital), but their hearts are focused. As they have done many times, the Fields are giving their lives to the Lord and allowing Him to take care of His property.

If you would like more details about the Fields ministry and the amazing lives they have dedicated to the Lord, please get their book (written by their daughter, but authored by Elwanda) Sonlight in Bufuku. You won’t be able to put it down. I thank the Lord for such servants and praise Him for His provision, protection, guidance and love. We serve and amazing God.

Elwanda Fields

As many of you know, Elwanda Fields has been in the hospital. She experienced a rough week, but I received the following news from her daughter Sandy....

Hi, I know you will rejoice in the Lord with us that Papa and Mama are back "home" again from Nairobi. Mama did very well on the three hour trip home. People started coming to see her almost as soon as we got in the door. Godfrey got her to eat a 500 ml. cup of yoghurt! Dr. Macharia came by with his wife also, and several from church.
Mama's "angel" also came by, and we do believe she is going to fit in well. She is such a sweet lady. She will come at 8:30 p.m. and stay until 6 a.m. She has a bed in the sitting room and is there if Papa needs help.
I was SO pleased to see Mama's improvement in mobility since one week ago.... We praise the Lord and thank-you for praying. Now as a lot of the work falls on Papa, pray with us for the many adjustments and that we will know how to help in the right way.
We are waiting for confirmation that Jim and Jenna will arrive two days earlier than first planned, as Kenya Airways cancelled the flight they were to have come in on. They will be here for about ten days, I believe. We haven't seen them since before they were blessed with their three kids!!
Thanks on behalf of all of us,
Mom, Sandy

Terry & Sandy Washer