Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Thursday, November 1, 2018

"That All May Know"

 Humans seem to have a penchant for witty, catchy phrases. Here is one that is actually accurate and useful. That is... "Action brings good fortune." Now I'm not advocating we strive for mindless objects but rather to foster the habit of going out and doing something for someone. But what we do must have a purpose and a goal. Since we are in a missionary world (again... that is ALL of us) we must take action and go.

Webster defines a "mission" (among many other definitions) as "a body of persons set to perform a service or carry on an activity."2AAlso, a "task that is regarded as a very important duty".2BCan anyone tell me of a more important task than bringing Jesus to a dying world?
       I used to think missions were only found in Africa, Asia or some back-country poor location. Yes... it is there but also right here at GBC, Guilford County and the entire USA. Wherever unsaved people are in need there lies a mission field.

OK... some quick updates from the GBC sphere of influence.
1. Florence family (Papua, New Guinea). Josh F reports their ladies Sunday school is growing strong. As well, they will be in the States early 2019.
2. Lomax Skinner (Germany/USA) continues to have his health improve. This is a man who just won't slow down! His scheduled retirement is 31 December, 2018 by the way.
3. Dexter Kirby (St. Vincent) requests prayer and wisdom of God's way as they plan a new church plant and Leadership for the Bible College on the island.

So as you can see; every Christian needs to be involved in the cause of missions and reaching this world by any means available. Remember... Action brings good fortune (progress). Let us get going and do the work while there is still time... with all our being giving God all the Glory!    

 - Bob I.  // Missions Director