Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Little Is Big

First order of business: To the GBC family at large... How does it feel to be a missionary?  Not exactly a rhetorical question, but in light of our recent VBS, a rather accurate, concise inquiry.

For you see, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are commanded, instructed and expected to worship and glorify God. Is there a better way to do this than to lead people to Christ? This VBS saw 24 professions of faith. It took an awful lot of effort, time, sweat and praying to accomplish that. Now that glorifies our Lord and Savior. You all worked hard in various capacities, but Jesus Christ got all the glory. So yes... everyone is a missionary as we serve in the small things.

Moving on: our Jamaican missions team leaves in little over a month. The effort that was just brought forth during VBS, let's put it forth towards sending this years team to a foreign field. Pray for open, receptive hearts and opportunities. 

Josh Florence (Papua, New Guinea) wrote in late April of a prison ministry where he preached. Multiple men heard the message and "a good number of the men raised their hands to say they needed to be saved." Remember the Florence's work. As well, clear around the world from us, another prison ministry report; Margarito Cabrero in the Philippines tells of 8 inmates being baptized recently. Margarito's son Dave recently began his mission work in another part of Bohol, Philippines. Great to see God's work spreading out!

We all get tired. However, never let the passion of our service die or diminish. "Even if opportunities seem insignificant or unimportant at the time, we can all be on the lookout to pray for, give to, and encourage our missionaries"1 Please remember this: the mission field starts right outside our doors. Let’s do the small things and God will use it for BIG things! Humbly give all the glory to our God!  

- Bob I. // Missions Director

1Hal S Pope, Jr., Executive Director: Independent Faith Mission, April, 2018