Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Why Ask Why?

Do we have to know the why, wherefore and which way on everything? The only real "why" we need to know is why did Jesus come down from glory and allow himself to be a sacrifice. A humbling question… and thus we search out people who ask that question and show them the answer… "because He first loved us". 1John 4:19.

Mission Family News
  2. Trans World Radio (Gow's Monte Carlo) - TWR's radio program "The Way of Righteousness" was nearing translation completion of several more new dialects of West Africa. It explains the stories of the Bible leading up to salvation in Jesus.
  3. Our newest World Vision child is Rolvin Esquivel in Guatemala. He is 8 yrs. old and lives in a rather poor area of the country. Pray and remember him in regard to health issues.
  4. Anderson's (Romania)- As of writing I do not have a recent update on the Anderson's daughter Chloe, and her health concerns. However, English evangelism camp was successful. Stay tuned for what God has planned in Romania. Remember the Anderson's are from our church!
  5. A little side note from Louise Champlin. She and her daughter Debbie returned to visit the Congo, Africa; they should be in South Africa now for several weeks with family and then heading home. Pray for travel safety. 

    So, why the things we do? The Lao people in Southeast Asia are over 3 million strong. Most are poor, illiterate farmers or fisherman. Buddhism is strong in this country. They need Jesus Christ as he died for them as well as for you and me. That's WHY we do what we do. Don't stop giving, sending or praying… but especially don't stop giving God all the glory!

Bob I. // Missions Director

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Why Stop?

Hot enough for you yet? I doubt if it has stopped any of us from going on vacation or relaxing in the evening. The physical world often can dictate our course of action and the physical comes in all sizes and variations. I've mentioned in prior Missions Minutes that all of the missionaries GBC supports have the same or similar physical maladies and problems. But that is not what this article is about; rather it shall focus on the affliction we are all prone to, that being discouragement.

Hey, did you know that Babe Ruth struck out twice as many times as he hit a home run? Had discouragement won out, his name would never have been in the record books. True… just a game you say. So lets look at GBC missionaries Ed and Annita Hoagland in Mexico. Despite financial and scheduling disputes, their 2017 Summer Evangelistic Event saw over 2,000 attend with 180 being saved. Now there are 180 people who 1 day will certainly be happy the Hoagland's did not let difficulties stop them.

Closer to home here at GBC; ask Pastor Jason if it has been difficult and hectic while organizing the Jamaican Mission trip. (As you read this Missions Minute today remember the team as they are on the field right now.) The task at hand can be intimidating yet God see's us through. For Satan would like nothing better than to make us quit our mission/race which we are all in… "go home, it's hopeless"… "stop, you’re tired"… "I don't have any money for missions". Persevere.

Persevere like Louise Champlin. She is still going strong and moves with a purpose… God's purpose. By the way, she is 89 years old. For those of you who do not know Louise; she is the wife of the late missionary Darrell Champlin. GBC has supported them for many years now while serving in Suriname, South America and the Congo. Darrell "graduated " home August, 2015. Did Louse back off and stop? Quite the opposite actually. She and her daughter, Debbie, shall be heading to the Congo for several weeks next month. I will endeavor to keep you informed as to her work and travels. Pray diligently for the Champlin’s and our very own Mission Team in Jamaica. More to come on Louise Champlin and her life serving our God and Savior.

Let not let petty (or large) events discourage or stop us from serving on the mission field we have been called to. Always, always give God the Glory!

Mission Update: GBC actively supports 2 World Vision children. Brayan Riquelmer Cax Mach in Guatemala has moved away to further his schooling. World Vision informs me that they view this as a good sign. We should all be encouraged as this equips him better for the future. We have been a part of this young man's start in life. Remember him. GBC already has another child we will be supporting; a 9 year old boy assigned to us by World Vision. Pray we are a positive influence on his life!!

 - Bob I. // Missions Director