Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Big Numbers

       Ever have a good, loyal dog who whenever you'd call would come to you and be ready? The analogy I'm developing here is the one of God's calling of us and we are instantly ready to go and do. The physical end of going is difficult at times but should never be the stopper of our service. For what if the missionaries who are called let physical obstruction get in the way? Nothing would ever get done for one thing and could we really claim God's reassurance of Philippians 4:13… "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"?
       The task ahead of us is a daunting one. As of this writing there are over 7.1 billion people in the world. A paltry 318 million live in the U.S. Most US citizens have at least heard of Jesus Christ. Yet, in the world, there about 6,700 unreached people groups (UPG). These are people who have no idea or zero information on the One who died for them. The UPG's translates in pure numbers to over 3.1 billion souls. It's staggering if you let the weight of the numbers roll over you. 
        So what do we do? First, listen to your Master and go to Him. Pray for guidance and learn just what you can do here in NC or Jamaica or India or Zambia, Africa. Our field missionaries covet prayer and crave encouragement. As well; give. Not just dollars but time and moral support. Talk to our visiting missionaries when they are in and tell them you are behind them. Then, thank our God when he blesses us with opportunities. He will provide.
        Infomercial time: Jacob Gaddala in India told me where they are working is largely Hindu but they do not persecute the Christians. However, info gleaned from a newsletter from India states that the government (mostly Hindu), wishes to eradicate Christianity by the year 2021. Remember, this is a so-called democratic nation.
        Keeping this in mind; do not despair. Matthew 19:21 reads… "with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible". For herein lies the end point. God is in control…all glory and honor to God! (statistics: "the Traveling team) 2017.

Bob I. // Missions Director

Monday, October 9, 2017

Attack It

Do not allow the title of this Missions Minute to alarm you. It is not a call to arms, to a shooting war or even a contest bent on conquering something. Rather it's about how we should live out our "mission focused" lives. Be aggressive. We need to keep pushing on despite being tired and worn out. So, just where am I going with this?

Well, just ask Chuck Berrier what Miami looked like after "Irma" visited. As well, ask John Sircar how was Bangladesh after heavy rain last month that killed hundreds. Chuck is planning on going back to Florida and Dr. Sircar keeps going "aggressive" as he writes their revival will still take place soon…."aggressive".

More weather related news: Mexico City and the 7.1 earthquake recently has not slowed down the Hoaglands. Ed and Annita came through it safely save for some structural damage. The good news through all of this is that about 175 people accepted Christ during the packed services after the quake. All of this despite 2 major quakes and aftershocks. Instead of moaning about their plight, the Hoagland’s have pushed out to areas not visited before and aided the people in need. That is a great example of using circumstances as God allows events to occur to further the Gospel. Again, a form of aggressive behavior but not for destruction.

Moving on….Dexter Kirby on the island of St. Vincent/Grenadines states that they now have a pre-school open and are seeking God's direction in regard to another church planting. Pray for Dexter as he writes crime is rampant on the island.

Please remember the mission boards that assist, equip and train our field missionaries daily. By last estimate, it takes about 20 soldiers to get 1 combat soldier to the field equipped and supplied. It takes even more than that to place and keep a missionary on the field. For we are battling against the devil for the souls of men…. let’s fight like we mean it. Forever to God be the Glory!!

Bob I.  //  Missions Director