Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Pray Up!!

Why the things we do? Ask a million people and you will get a million different answers. All would be correct in some part or another.  But lets ask ourselves as Christ honoring, saved people... "Why do we do this...pray, give and work diligently?"  
      This months Mission Minute is not a quick lesson on how to be saved but rather on the Lord's commanding us to "go". So here we go...
       The departure date in late July still holds for our Jamaican Missions team. Please pray and support them if any way possible. They will be our boots on the ground or maybe more like sandals in the sand for a week, working in Montego Bay. Ask any team member and they will tell you it will be a busy week. 
       Our field missionaries as well, need prayer. For example: Kristie Elmer in South Africa recently had knee surgery. Pray for a speedy recovery as their spring Bible Institute class looms on the horizon. Another health issue emerges from Mountainous Tajik, western China, for Tim and Cara Cleghorn's son, Levi. Seems he had an episode of a super high temperature of unknown origin. Things have stabilized as of this writing. Remember, the Cleghorn's do not have an ER or a major medical center nearby. A bit closer to home; Malachi Boys Home, only a few miles from here continues to take in needy young men and nurture them into having productive, God honoring lives. All of this despite monthly funding steadily dropping. So, why the things we do? Humbly read John 3:16... " For God so loved the world..." We cannot stop now or even slow down. Yes, it has been a long winter but knowing someone is facing eternity without God should invigorate us to work harder. Work humble and never, ever stop giving God all the glory!!

      Mission Fact: An average of 4 NC residents die daily from opioid related issues. Freedom House (a GBC supposed outreach), offers longterm rehab, counseling and training for recovering opioid abusers. Our mission world/ field/ calling is all around us.
- Bob I.  //  Missions Director