Andrew and Romina Self are Baptist Mid-Missions’ missionaries to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Both Andrew and Romina were saved at and early age and have been part of the ministry in Argentina since they were very young. Romina’s life was completely changed during a short-term missions’ trip and Andrew felt called to be a missionary at a Missions Conference where the Lord furthered his passion for sharing the Gospel. Andrew’s parents, Ronald and Christine Self, have been missionaries in Argentina since the 1980’s, and Andrew is Alison Smith’s first cousin.
The Self’s are working with the church of Don Torcuato (the mother church) and under the direct leadership of Andrew’s father. They are involved in everything from VBS and other Children’s Ministries to Hospital Bible Studies, Christmas Cantatas, evangelistic outreaches, leadership training and teaching in the Bible College/Institute. In addition to all that excitement in ministry, Andrew and Romina also have a daughter, Emily. Emily is speaking both Spanish and English, and she loves being part of the children’s choir!
The church plant that the Self’s have been praying towards is located in Olivos, Argentina. Like the rest of the country, the people are primarily Roman Catholic. Andrew and Romina will be involved in a home Bible study with the goal of establishing a church in the near future. And the Lord has already supplied $200,000 towards the new church property and ministry there! But there is much to do…..Andrew and Romina have asked that we pray for the following: five solid families that will help with the new church plant, transitions from the evangelistic home Bible study in Olivos to a church plant, financial needs of the new church, spiritual growth of the future church, future accreditation for the Bible College and future leaders for this ministry in Argentina.
Andrew and Romina have expressed their thankfulness for the Lord’s goodness and His provisions. They have witnessed answers to prayers in ways they could not fathom, but they are drastically under-supported ($600 per month under). Please consider joining with these servants and the ministry that God is growing in Argentina! To find out more about the Self family or Baptist Mid-Missions please visit their website here.