Jamaica is a land of stark contrasts... The beauty of God's handiwork is everywhere. The beaches are beautiful, the foliage is lush, the colors are magnificent and the smiles of the Jamaican people are heartwarming. On the other hand, the effects of poverty are painful, starvation is almost unavoidable, the powerful grip of sin is evident on those who are enslaved and hopeless.
Our beloved Canterbury would not appeal to many if pictured on a postcard. Few dare to travel the bridge across the ravine which is the only way in or out of the community. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people live there....with little or no hope. Many of the inhabitants are enslaved to sin and have no concept of Christ or His sacrifice and the payment made on their behalf. Most of them live in fear....fear of death, abuse, hunger, violence.
Please pray for our family and friends in Canterbury. God says they are fearfully and wonderfully made. He says they are made in His image, He says they are one of His Children, He says that He is their friend and He loves them so much that He sent His only Son for them....He is not willilng that ANY should perish....even the forgotten ones of Canterbury.
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