Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Monday, October 11, 2010

Shout to the Lord

SHOUT TO THE LORD, ALL THE EARTH LET US SING; POWER AND MAJESTY, PRAISE TO THE KING!! These are the words we heard resounding from our congregation of 91 at our launch service for Bay Life Baptist Church of Bogue Village, Montego Bay. Apart from the laughter of my grandchildren, it might possibly be the sweetest sound I have ever heard. After years of planning, months of canvassing, and hours of prayer, our new baby church was born. In our congregation of 91 were 13 children, 62 adults from our community, and 16 Americans from our team in North Carolina. We were both packed out in our little room and simultaneously overwhelmed with God's incredible goodness to us.....

Read the rest of this post, by Tammy Titus, at www.2tiredjamericans.blogspot.com

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