Campus Crusade for Christ will be hosting their “Does God Exist?” debate between Dr. William Lane Craig (Christian) and Dr. Lawrence Krauss (Athiest) Wednesday night. You can youtube both of them and find some video of them at other venues if you’re interested. Also, you can watch the debate live that night at 7 pm or anytime after the debate is over at the Campus Crusade website. Feel free to watch and share the website with any friends you may have that are questioning the existence of God. It should be very informative and a great way to start a dialogue.
Please pray for Dr. Craig as he debates the existence of God. Whether people are convinced or not, God does exist! Let's pray that many will turn to the Lord as a result of this powerful debate. Please pray also for our missionary Kyle Hipp (Campus Crusade missionary) as well as the directors as they raise the money to host the event. May God be glorified.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
On His Feet and Going Forward

The Winston-Salem Rescue Mission is a Christian organization that meets the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of hurting people in the Triad area so that they might proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bring glory to God . This is just one of their success stories.

The Testimony of Davy Kinley
In September of 2006, Davy Kinley had reached the end of his rope. His battle with alcohol, loss of family, loss of work and limited education were crushing blows that had taken his hope. With nowhere to go and no one to turn to, Davy chose to enter the Winston Salem Rescue Mission. He says, “I was reluctant at first, but it turned out to be the best decision of my life because of the condition I was in. Real life began for me here.” After residing at the Winston- Salem Rescue Mission for approximately a year and a half, Kinley accepted Christ as his personal Savior. He says, “On one special night that I will never forget, I turned to the Lord Jesus Christ and asked Him to save me from my sins. I can’t explain the peace that I felt or the weight that was lifted off of my shoulders. I was a new man.” When the Transformers Program began after the New Life Center opened, Davy chose to enroll in the inaugural class of 2008. He states, “I learned to face my giants, or those huge obstacles that were holding me back. My reading, writing and computer skills improved over a period of time while in the program. To top it off, I made some good friends, too. We struggled together and helped one another.” Davy Kinley graduated from the Transformers Program in October of 2009. Since that time he has obtained housing and employment at Wal-Mart. Kinley attends a local Christ-centered church, and he says, “I am back on my feet and going forward with my life. If it were not for the Lord and the Winston-Salem Rescue Mission.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
"Football" Camp in Jamaica
From Pastor Titus in Jamaica......A week away from the city, at camp with a team from the U.S. who will teach soccer skills and Christian living is exactly what young men in Jamaica need. We already have two sponsors for our teens, but would like to send six young men to this special camp. If you would like to sponsor a camper you can send your gift of $40 U.S. made out to Baptist Mid Missions, P.O. Box 408011, Cleveland, OH 44130-8011 and mark it on the memo for ‘Bay Life Baptist- Soccer Camp’ and as always, thank you for caring and praying for Jamaica. Together we are “Moving Jamaica from a Mission Field to a Mission Force”.
Mi Yardi
Pastor Titus writes..... The term ‘Yardi’ comes from the community housing started in Kingston. A common area known as ‘the yard’ was used by everyone for cooking, etc… If you were part of the community, you were called a ‘Yardi’. When someone tried to charge me for parking the other day in an area where you can park free, a Jamaican friend of mine exclaimed ‘de nuh no u yardi’ which being interpreted means ‘they don’t know you live here’. Well, Tammy and I finally received our driver’s licenses and are now officially “Yardi’s.” Continue to pray for us as we bond and blend in with the Jamaican community. And don’t be surprised if when you see us in the States we talk a little different than normal.
Pastor Titus and Tammy will be in the U.S. for a mini-furlough of six weeks beginning the end of May. They will be at GBC some time during that six weeks.
Pastor Titus and Tammy will be in the U.S. for a mini-furlough of six weeks beginning the end of May. They will be at GBC some time during that six weeks.
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