Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Saturday, August 4, 2018


I would venture that many reading this MM could say that most have one thing in common. Now I know we probably have many commonalities but this one is special/specific. That would be that they had some form of surgery; minor or major. If you ask me... it's all major if your the one getting "cut on".

So, how does the world of missions and having surgery go together? Other than some of our supported missionaries having had surgery, there isn't too much. Rather it is a polar opposite approach I’m talking about here. And that would be what is felt.

The word anesthesia means "without feeling". Conversely thinking...how can one claim to be a Christian (i.e.: loving missions) and be" without feeling"? Remember we are all missionaries called to spread the word wherever we are and by whatever means available. Thus to live without feeling or empathy for others goes against what we believe in.

As you read this today, GBC has a 9-member mission team working in Jamaica. They are there to exhibit a true God honoring feeling for this Caribbean country. GBC did another fantastic effort helping raise funds. Now we are called on to raise up these 9 people in prayer for protection, safety and receptive hearts. No anesthesia allowed.

In other parts of our sphere of influence: Tim and Cara Cleghorn will be returning to Tajik, China soon. Their son Levi's broken leg is strong enough now to allow travel back to their field of work. That said... never stop praying for the missionaries GBC supports in closed countries. Jesus can influence people in Pakistan, Bangladesh and China as well as in Africa and South America. May we one day see the Word of God preached openly everywhere!

But this will never happen if we allow ourselves to become anesthetized to the needs and plight of a dying world. Let's all pray for an awaking in us and our country as we see the return of Jesus rapidly approaching. Humbly we will work on giving God all the Glory!!

 - Bob I. // Missions Director

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