Our God is greater, our God is stronger, our God is higher than any other……

The highlight of our trip so far, was our time in Canterbury this afternoon. The smell of smoke, the goat eating supper from the concrete dumpster that has overflown with trash, the sounds of the city in the background, the smiles on familiar faces and the moments together were all tender and sweet. One man beamed as he showed us pictures of his growing children, we hugged, we cried, we loved on the people that we pray for daily. Children had grown, but not much else had changed.

“It” was still there….all the pain, all the loneliness and all the searching for answers. Canterbury needs Christ. In the face of such pain and hopelessness, our team has taken solace in the Chris Tomlin’s song, Our God (quoted above) and we are approaching the throne of our Heavenly Father on the behalf of the precious souls in Canterbury. Jonah says 4:2 that our God is a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness. Please help us pray that God would be merciful to Canterbury! Our hearts are heavy for the people we have come to love as family.

As we were preparing our hearts for our time in Canterbury, we prayed that God would show Himself and HIS work….as we were leaving, several ladies said that “Charm” was looking for Kellie. When she found Kellie she was excited to tell her that she still had the gift Kellie had given her (Kellie had given her a Bible last year), and Charm went on to describe that she had read that Bible, given her life to Christ and was going to church regularly! If God is willing and able to save Ninevah……why not Canterbury?