Gospel Baptist Church Missions

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vessels for the Father.....

The trip to Cantebury, Jamaica is quickly approaching! For months we have labored to raise funds and prepare for this trip and now that it is upon us I am feeling quite anxious and a little apprehensive. I have never been out of the country for one thing, never traveled without my husband and I am entering an environment so far removed from what I know and what is comfortable. The more I think of the lessons that God will teach me as I am serving I can't help but think that my fear in going is the very first lesson itself....Trust. I will lean on, rely on and trust in my Father for every step I take while there. I know that I will experience his faithfulness and presence which is what I pray for daily. I can't wait to see the faces of the children there. I want to share with them the greatest story ever told. I want to bring hope to the people there, just like someone brought it to me when they told me about Jesus. You don't have to live in a poverty stricken place to feel hopeless. The void that I had before I met the Lord when I was 25 was gaping, and very painful. I had no joy, peace or contentment. God's creation is incomplete without a relationship with Him no matter where they live. I hope that we can make this life a little more comfortable for those paths we cross through the service projects and I hope we can bring some fun and happiness to those children through VBS but I am praying most of all for God to use each of us as vessels that he can pour out his love and that we may point them to the King of kings! This adventure will forever be treasured in my heart!

Guest Post By Lora. Check out Lora's blog here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you Lora. This will be a year of real Thanksgiving, and I can't wait!
